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Investment Account Reconciliations & Set Balances
Investment Account Reconciliations & Set Balances

How to reconcile investment accounts

Arash Ahmadi avatar
Written by Arash Ahmadi
Updated over a week ago

For investment and treasury accounts, banks often provide daily balances but not transaction details. Puzzle will book placeholder entries (labeled “Set Balance”) to unrealized gain/loss to keep the Puzzle balances in sync with the real-world account balances. When you enter the transaction details, either manually or via CSV, the temporary transactions will be automatically removed.

This allows the correct balance to be automatically reflected on the balance sheet, but it can cause missing transactions to go unnoticed as they won't show up as a balance discrepancy.

So we give users the option to use the set balance entries or turn them off.

How to Remove Set Balance Entries

  1. Within reconciliations, you can delete individual set balance events.

    1. You also have the option to delete all subsequent set balance events through the end of the reconciliation period. This is recommended, since there is a risk that if you delete one, it will re-create a new one for the next day. (e.g. if you delete one from June 29, it might create one for June 30.

    2. You can turn off the creation of new ones entirely.

Options for ongoing maintenance of treasury//investment accounts

Option 1: Keep set balance adjustments On: you can add the transactions and then remove any extraneous auto-balance adjustments that persist.

  • The benefit here is that the account balance stays up to date during the month, and then you can clean up the P&L impact at the end of the month.

Option 2: Turn set balance adjustments Off : you just add transactions to get things to reconcile at the end of the month

  • This keeps things simple, but the account balance will be wrong between reconciliations

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