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Cash Definitions

The definitions of "Cash" on the Dashboard metrics, Cash Activity Report, and Balance Sheet

Arash Ahmadi avatar
Written by Arash Ahmadi
Updated over 8 months ago

Cash Metric Card

Cash (value): This cash balance is equal to the sum of the cash balances across the bank accounts and investment (including treasury) accounts you have connected to Puzzle, as of today.

Cash (graph): This shows your daily cash balance over time across the bank accounts you have connected to Puzzle.

Note: This definition of Cash will show a different value than what's reflected in the Balance Sheet. See below to understand how these cash balances differ in the Cash Activity Report (CAR) and Balance Sheet.

Cash Activity Report - Available Cash Balance

This cash balance includes the sum of the cash balances from all bank accounts and investment accounts, as well as payment processor balance (e.g. Stripe), bank transfers balance, and payment processor in-transit balance, but excludes any Credit Card Payables and Payroll clearing balances. All of these values come from the general ledger.

Balance Sheet Cash

This cash balance includes the sum of the cash balances across your connected bank accounts, as well as processor available cash accounts, bank transfers in transit, and cash adjustments. However, the balance sheet cash balance excludes investment (treasury) accounts.

The cash balance reported on the balance sheet reflects the total amount of cash and cash equivalents available to the company. So the cash activity report available cash balance and the balance sheet cash balance both include processor available cash accounts, bank transfers in transit, and cash adjustments, in addition to the cash across your connected bank accounts.

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